What is Retardation in Physics?

Golden Shrestha Published June 24, 2024

Retardation in Physics: Slowing Down


In physics, retardation means how fast something slows down over time. It's like the opposite of acceleration, which makes things speed up.


Key Points:


  • Negative Acceleration: Retardation is another way to talk about negative acceleration. Acceleration is how fast something's speed changes. Positive acceleration makes things speed up, while negative acceleration (retardation) makes things slow down.

  • Units: Retardation is measured in meters per second squared (m/s²), just like acceleration.




Imagine a bike riding down a hill. At the bottom, the rider starts pressing the brakes to stop. The bike's speed decreases (slows down). This decrease in speed is called retardation.


Important Note:


  • While "retardation" is a word we use in physics to talk about slowing down, it's not a good word to use for people. When talking about people with disabilities, it's better to use kind and respectful words like "developmental delay" or "intellectual disability."


So, in physics, retardation means how fast something is slowing down. It's an important idea to understand how things move and change speed!


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