What is Ozone Layer and Why it's important?

Golden Shrestha Published July 05, 2024

The ozone layer is a special part of Earth's atmosphere that has a lot of ozone gas (O₃). Ozone is important because it protects us by absorbing most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Here's an easy way to understand the ozone layer and why it's important:

Location: The ozone layer is found high up in the atmosphere, above where most weather happens. It's between 15 and 35 kilometers (9.3 and 21.7 miles) above the Earth's surface.

Ozone Formation: Ozone is made when sunlight breaks apart oxygen molecules (O₂). The free oxygen atoms (O) then join with other oxygen molecules (O₂) to form ozone (O₃).

UV Absorption: Ozone absorbs most of the sun's UV rays, especially the harmful UVB rays. These UV rays can cause sunburn, skin cancer, and cataracts in people, and can also harm plants.

Environmental Impact: Human-made chemicals have damaged the ozone layer. When the ozone layer is thinner, more UV radiation reaches Earth, increasing the risks mentioned above.

Importance of Protecting the Ozone Layer:

International agreements like the Montreal Protocol have helped reduce the use of harmful chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). This is helping the ozone layer recover, but it takes a long time.

Ways to Protect the Ozone Layer:

  • Use products that don’t contain harmful chemicals.
  • Practice sun safety by wearing sunscreen, and protective clothing, and avoiding the sun during peak hours.

By understanding the importance of the ozone layer and taking steps to protect it, we can keep ourselves and the environment safe from harmful UV radiation.

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