Lifespan Of a Mosquito

Golden Shrestha Published June 23, 2024

Mosquitoes go through an interesting life cycle with four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

1. Egg: It all starts when a female mosquito lays her eggs in or near still water, like ponds, puddles, or even buckets. These eggs can survive without water for months, waiting for the right conditions to hatch.


2. Larva: When the eggs hatch in water, they become larvae, sometimes called wrigglers. Larvae live in the water and breathe through a tube at the tip of their abdomen. They spend their time eating tiny organisms in the water and shed their skin several times as they grow.


3. Pupa: After shedding their skin a few times, the larvae become pupae, also known as tumblers. In this comma-shaped stage, they don’t eat or move much. Inside the pupal case, the mosquito’s body changes completely, forming wings and other adult body parts.


4. Adult: Finally, the adult mosquito comes out of the pupa. Once its body hardens, it can fly. Female mosquitoes look for blood to help them lay eggs, while male mosquitoes usually drink nectar from flowers. Then, the cycle starts all over again.


So, the life of a mosquito starts as an egg in water, becomes a larva that wiggles around, then changes into a pupa, and finally emerges as an adult mosquito. Each stage is important for the mosquito to grow and develop, and the whole process can take as little as a couple of weeks!


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