What is the maximum force of friction called?

Golden Shrestha Published June 24, 2024

Limiting friction is the strongest force of friction that can happen between two surfaces before they start to slide over each other. It depends on the types of materials touching each other and how hard they are pressed together.

Here's How It Works:

  1. Materials in Contact: Different materials have different amounts of friction. For example, rubber on the road has more friction than ice on ice.

  2. Force Pressing Surfaces Together: The harder two surfaces are pushed together, the more friction there is. Think of trying to slide a book on a table. If you press down hard on the book, it's harder to slide.

When Things Start to Move:

When you apply a force to an object, it has to be stronger than the limiting friction to make the object move. Once the force you apply is greater than the limiting friction, the object overcomes the static friction and starts to slide.

So, limiting friction is like a barrier that keeps objects from sliding until enough force is applied to get them moving!


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