Which is the hardest substance in human body?

Golden Shrestha Published July 07, 2024

The hardest substance in the human body is tooth enamel.

Why is Enamel So Hard?

Highly Mineralized:

  • Enamel has a lot of minerals in it, about 96%.
  • The main mineral is called hydroxyapatite, a type of calcium phosphate.
  • This mineral makes enamel very strong and tough.

Protective Layer:

  • Enamel covers the crown of the tooth, which is the part you see above the gum line.
  • It acts like a hard shield, protecting the softer parts inside the tooth from damage when you chew, bite, or eat hot or cold foods.

Comparison to Bone:

  • Bones are also strong but not as hard as enamel.
  • Bones have less mineral content and are more flexible because they have collagen fibers, which help support the body.
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